
Apply Now – Foundation

Apply Now

    First Name *

    Last Name *

    Last Name with an initials *

    NIC/Passport No *

    Gender *

    Permanent Address *

    Mobile Number *

    Land Number *

    Email *

    A/L Results

    Pending / Completed *

    Local / London *

    School :

    District :

    Year :

    Stream :

    School :

    District :


    Year :

    Stream :


    O/L Results

    Pending / Completed *

    Local / London *

    School :

    District :


    Year :


    Foundation Programme

    Select the preferred degree Programme.

    (Please tick (√) as appropriate. Programme commencement is subjected to availability)

    University of Bedfordshire – UK Pathway

    Foundation Certificate in Information Technology (UoB)Foundation Certificate in Business Administration (UoB)

    Curtin University – SLIIT City Uni Foundation

    Foundation Certificate in Information Technology (Curtin)Foundation Certificate in Business Management (Curtin)Foundation Certificate in Engineering (Curtin)Foundation Certificate in Health and Life Sciences (Curtin)

    Liverpool John Moores University – UK Pathway

    Foundation Certificate in Health & Life Sciences (Psychology - LJMU)Foundation Certificate in Electronic & Electrical Engineering (LJMU)

    SLIIT City Uni /SLIIT Pathway - Deakin University

    Foundation Certificate in Health &Life Sciences (Nursing - Deakin)

    The medium for the aptitude test(please tick) as appropriate.

    How did you get to know about SLIIT City Uni.


    Application fee of Rs.1,025/=* need to be paid to any one of the following Bank Accounts.

    Bank of Ceylon A/C: 1630619 “SLIIT City Uni (Pvt.) Ltd”.

    Sampath Bank A/C: 0134 1000 1688 “SLIIT City Uni (Pvt.) Ltd”.

    Use your National ID card number for the student registration number in the pay in slip. Duly filled application along with the bank pay in slip should be forwarded to; Student Enrollment Division, SLIIT City Uni, 13th Floor, BOC Merchant Tower, Colombo 3.

    Aptitude Test Slip

    Attach slip (Less than 5MB)


    I will attach the slip in later
